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Posts published in “Writings”

The Consistency Threshold: Navigating the Challenges of Staying True to Your Goals

In a world where consistency is often touted as the golden key to success, the reality can be far more complex. The concept of consistency is not merely about showing up; it’s about understanding your unique challenges and navigating the intricacies of your personal journey. In this article, we’ll delve…

From ‘Have To’ to ‘Want To’: Inspiring Sustainable Actions

We stand on the precipice of three planetary crises – climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. As such, marshalling efforts towards a healthier planet is a matter of urgent importance. Our planet, the cradle of our existence, provides us with everything we need to sustain life; without these resources and…

365 Days, 365 Different Paths: Embracing Life’s Daily Adventures

Every day of life is filled with adventurous exams. Embarking on a journey into the unknown with each new day, experiencing the thrill of not knowing what awaits us, offers an exciting adventure. In this journey, we encounter different opportunities that present new challenges to ourselves every day. One day,…

The Heartwarming Journey of ‘The Art of Racing in the Rain’: A Family-Friendly Film Experience

Last night, with a warm cup of tea, my family and I were on the lookout for an enjoyable movie. I opted for “The Art of Racing in the Rain,” starring Milo Ventimiglia. Ventimiglia, known for his unforgettable performance in the “This Is Us” series, felt like an old friend.…

Don’t Think! Just Do.

When should we stop thinking and start doing? I’m sure you’re also familiar with a situation that many people experience: moments when productive thoughts constantly fill your mind – especially in the shower. However, without a clear method of implementation, the thinking process can turn into a continuous cycle of…